300 words... any genre... any style... go wild with the whatifs!

Photo by Shaun Bell / Unsplash

300 words... any genre... any style... go wild with the whatifs!

What if...

  • every day a letter arrives that disappears into thin air before it can hit the mat...
  • a mysterious invitation arrives, in code...
  • a letter from the past drops through the letterbox every day, telling untold secrets abouts wrongs that must be put right...
  • a letter from the future arrives giving warning of a global disaster that is going to happen...
  • looking through the letterbox of an abandoned old house, you can see footprints in the dust...

Any of these or whatever springs to mind... have fun and happy writing.

Deadline: 28th August 2024

Please email stories to: submissions@harveyduckman.com with the subject line TIME and please check out our submission guidelines so you know what you're letting yourself in for (original work only, fiction or creative non-fiction welcome, no AI, no fee, no royalties, for fun only, all proceeds to the Harvey project for future stuff...).

If I miss out your story, it's probably an oversight... please give me a shout and I'll fix it asap.

A note on wobbly word counts: 300 words is just a rough guide.. anything up to 900 is fine xx